Top Recruitment Consultancy
for global companies in Korea

"What really impressed me was their high level of understanding of our business and the requirements of the talent we were looking for. And the top talent actually joined our company"
Client company

We understand the market & local talents

South Korea is a big market for global companies and still has great potential to enter. We are experts in Korean market, having many years of business experience and talents specially for global companies in Korea.

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Our clients say we are the right partner

Searching for right talents is not a simple job, but requires many efforts to understand the needs of clients, matching with right people. It is a long and highly sophisticated process.

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talents are happy

Talents are happy because they are in the right place where they can show the maximum performance with right recognition and compensation.

Send us your CV only if you are considered as a high performer in your current position.

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Right result oriented

We are a professional group. We only talk with result. No other explanation is necessary. Our clients pay only when the right talents join their companies.

Global mindset

Our team members actually have global busieness experiences. So we know what global companies actually looking for. The talents who make great performance.

Data driven technology

We truly believe the power of human wisdom and knowledge increases exponentially when data and technology are properly utilized.

Fancy process of work

We want to save your time as well as ours. The efficiency of work is one of our top priorities. Let's not waste our time doing something unnecessary.


Hiding something from clients is more difficult and time consuming than being transparent. We are very simple and clear team.

Still hungry

Our brand is NEW. We don't have many years of history like others. So, we are not arrogant and we are still hungry.

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